Addressing life-threatening conditions of the esophagus, bronchus
Esophageal Cancer: A Deadly Disease
Esophagectomy, the current standard of care for resectable esophageal cancer, is a complex surgical resection requiring stomach “pull-up” or the use of an intestinal segment that is resected with its arteries and veins and then repositioned in the chest to become the replacement esophagus. Esophagectomy, followed by stomach “pull-up” or intestinal interposition, carries a mortality rate at 90 days that can be as high as 19%. Post-operative complications may be life threatening. The most serious are pulmonary complications like respiratory failure and pneumonia, followed by leakage of gastrointestinal fluid in the chest from the place where the esophagus is surgically connected with the stomach or the intestine, which in turn can also lead to serious infections.
Central Lung Cancer: Isolated in the Bronchus
In lung cancer, although none of the four main cell types is exclusively central or peripheral in location, the majority of small-cell lung cancers and squamous cell carcinomas are centrally located in the bronchi. When the cancer affects the main bronchi or the tracheal bifurcation (carina), a pneumonectomy, the removal of an entire lung, may be necessary which reduces respiratory capacity by 50% and has a complication rate up to 50% and a post-surgical mortality rate of 8% to 15%. HRGN’s Cellspan bronchial implants are intended to preserve the lung enabling safe reattachment of the main airway.
Tracheal Cancer and Trauma: Limited Treatment Options
In tracheal cancer and trauma, when there is extensive damage to the trachea, currently there is no standard technique that allows to preserve tracheal length and function following resection, leading to high rates of complications and mortality. HRGN’s tracheal implants are intended to reduce complications and cost.
Esophageal Atresia
A Life-Threatening Condition and Unmet Medical Need
Esophageal Atresia (EA) is a devastating congenital defect that causes infants to be born with a gap between their esophagus and stomach. Worldwide, EA occurs in approximately 1 in 2,500-3,500 live births. Although the disorder is most often detected right after birth when the baby is unable to feed properly, it is sometimes possible to detect the condition by ultrasound as evidenced by an abundance of amniotic fluid. Currently there are no disease dedicated treatments for EA. Current protocol is surgery to close the gap. This can be done in some cases by reattaching the two ends together. In many cases the only option is to anatomically replace the missing esophagus either by pulling up the stomach or by using a section of the gastrointestinal tract. Any of these surgical techniques of esophageal replacement are plagued by complications, like anastomotic leaks and scaring strictures that require further treatments. HRGN is developing a Cellspan Implant that can be used as an esophageal substitute. This replacement implant is combined with a baby’s own stem cells aims to avoid the use of the baby’s stomach or intestine with the goal of improving short- and long-term outcomes.
What is Esophageal Atresia?
Learn more about this life-threatening congenital abnormality.
The Cellspan Esophageal Implant
Designed to bridge the gap between two portions of the esophagus.
HRGN's Focus: Esophageal Atresia
A large unmet medical need for patients and their families.
Reproducibility of the Cellspan Esophageal Implant
Preclinical studies demonstrate consistent regeneration is feasible.
Digestive Tract Disorders
1 Peery et. al. 2022. Burden and Cost of Gastrointestinal, Liver, and Pancreatic Diseases in the United States: Update 2021. Gastroenterology; 162, 621.
Reproductive Tract Disorders (Women’s Health and Reproduction or Patch Technology or Uterine Repair)
Reproducibility of the Cellspan Esophageal Implant
Preclinical studies demonstrate consistent regeneration is feasible.
Cellspan Esophageal Implant Technology
Harvard Apparatus Regenerative Technology (formerly Biostage Inc.)
Alifino et al. Sleeve Pneumonectomy, Multi-Media Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery, Jan. 2007 doi: 10.1510/mmcts.2006.002113.
American Cancer Society. Esophagus cancer. Atlanta, GA 2014.
Ferguson MK, Celauro AD, Prachand V. Prediction of major pulmonary complications after esophagectomy. Ann Thorac Surg. 2011;91:1494-1501.
In H, Palis BE, Merkow RP, et al. Doubling of 30-day mortality by 90 days after esophagectomy. Ann Surg. 2016;263(2):286-291.
International Agency for Research on Cancer. Oesophageal cancer: estimated incidence, mortality and prevalence worldwide in 2012. GLOBOCAN 2012 2012: Aspx?cancer=oesophagus. Accessed December 1, 2015.
Lightdale CJ. Practice guidelines: Esophageal cancer. Am J Gastroenterol. 1999;94(1):20-29.
Livstone EM. Esophageal cancer. Merck Manual Professional Version July 2014;…. Accessed December 1, 2015.
Scarpa M, Valente S, Alfieri R, et al. Systematic review of health-related quality of life after esophagectomy for esophageal cancer. World J Gastroenterol. 2011;17(42):4660-4674.
van Hagen P, Hulshof MCCM, van Lanschot JJB, et al. Preoperative chemoradiotherapy for esophageal or junctional cancer. N Engl J Med. 2012;366:2074-2084.