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Restoring Organ Function

Following extensive research and development, HRGN has evolved its technology to optimize the interaction of mesenchymal stem cells seeded on a biocompatible scaffold. Preclinical studies suggest that, once implanted, the scaffold seeded with the patient’s own cells signals the stem cell niche to guide the regeneration of a biological structure.

Cellframe/Cellspan technology may enable the first truly personalized approach to organ regeneration.

Cellframe/Cellspan technology employs a multistep process in which the patient’s own stem cells are taken from a simple adipose/fat tissue biopsy, expanded and banked, and then seeded onto a proprietary scaffold that mimics the natural dimensions of the organ being regenerated. After several days in a rotating bioreactor, the stem cell-containing scaffold is ready to be implanted. Cellframe/Cellspan technology is designed to deliver the necessary cues for triggering, guiding and modulating the regenerative process.

Cellframe/Cellspan Technology Animation

Watch this animation to learn more about how Cellframe/Cellspan technology works.

Cellframe/Cellspan technology is based on the concept of in situ tissue regeneration using the body’s own biologic resources and reparative capability in combination with tissue-specific biomaterials implanted at the sites of disease or injury.

Cellframe/Cellspan is a newly developed technology that harnesses the full potential of the in vivo microenvironment to achieve complete tissue regeneration.

HRGN is investigating its Cellframe/Cellspan technology to replace diseased sections of the esophagus, trachea and bronchus, possible life-threatening conditions that are underserved by current therapies.